
Edu­ca­ti­on for adults in Ladakh — Himalaya


The orga­ni­sa­ti­on is to be foun­ded in 2017 on the initia­ti­ve of Tru­di Vetsch toge­ther with aquain­tan­ces. The orga­ni­sa­ti­on is invol­ved in the edu­ca­ti­on of adults, as well as sum­mer and win­ter schoo­ling for child­ren and ado­le­scents in remo­te moun­tain vil­la­ges in the Sen­ge La regi­on of the north Indi­an Himalaya.

Sin­ce the ope­ning of the tou­rism in the year 1974, peop­le are in front of the ever-increa­sing chal­len­ge to inte­gra­te the moder­ni­za­ti­on in their culture.

It is an objec­tive and desi­re of the vil­la­ge popu­la­ti­on, in addi­ti­on to gene­ral edu­ca­ti­on, to pre­ser­ve the anci­ent Ladakhi tradition.