Philosophy and objectives
The association „Education for adults in Ladakh — Himalaya” (EAL) considers it important that the village inhabitants support it. With their “Felt Flowers” and “Hut Slippers” project, the women of the village provide a financial contribution.
The villagers assist in furnishing the school room. Close cooperation with the local „Women’s Alliance of Ladakh”^organization is being pursued. This cooperation is aimed at providing the basic structures for the free and wide-reaching development of individual personalities in their social and cultural environments.
By providing financial support, the EAL is committed to ensuring that positions for training and employment are created.
The organisation ensures sustainability and effectiveness of the funding through cooperation with the local project management in Ladakh and with on-site sits.
The organisation supports financially the maintenance of cultural objects. This work will be carried out by the village communities.
The organisation does not pursue any commercial purposes and is a non-profit organisation. All income and assets of the organisation will be used solely to fulfil the purposes of the organisation.
The organisation achieves its aims in particular through:
- providing teaching staff for the adults, children and adolescents.
- providing basic facilities for training and employment positions.
- communicating economic thinking and acting – felted and knitted articles are to be manufactured out of locally produced sheep’s wool and sold to passing trekkers. From these proceeds, the producers contribute financially to the local aid project.
- involvement of the village population – basic requirements and the use of donations will be discussed at community meetings.
- collecting donations.
- making known the organisation’s concept, through print media, homepage and newsletter for the members.
The meaning of Lungta
Lungta means „windhorse“ and it has it’s origins in the Tibetan-buddhistic cultural region. The „windhorse“ is usually printed on flags with prayers which are made of fabric. All buddhistic Himalayan regions are familiar with them. Bright and colourful, these prayer flags sway gently in the wind for the benefit oder „good“ of all humans all over the world. These Tibetan prayer flags are omnipresent in the region including Ladakh. The people of Ladakh call them „Dar-Chok“. Dar meaning „to increase life, happiness, health and prosperity“ and Chok stands for „all living organisms“.
In context, Lungta really refers to the cultural elements in the Ladakhi region. The project „Adult education“ aims at maintaining the lively but ancient Ladakhi culture in our ever-changing highly modernized life.