
Phi­lo­so­phy and objectives
The asso­cia­ti­on „Edu­ca­ti­on for adults in Ladakh — Hima­la­ya” (EAL) con­s­i­ders it important that the vil­la­ge inh­a­bi­tants sup­port it. With their “Felt Flowers” and “Hut Slip­pers” pro­ject, the women of the vil­la­ge pro­vi­de a finan­ci­al contribution.

The vil­la­gers assist in fur­nis­hing the school room. Clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with the local „Women’s Alli­an­ce of Ladakh”^organization is being pur­sued. This coope­ra­ti­on is aimed at pro­vi­ding the basic struc­tures for the free and wide-reaching deve­lop­ment of indi­vi­du­al per­so­na­li­ties in their soci­al and cul­tu­ral environments.

By pro­vi­ding finan­ci­al sup­port, the EAL is com­mit­ted to ensu­ring that posi­ti­ons for trai­ning and employ­ment are created.

The orga­ni­sa­ti­on ensu­res sustai­na­bi­li­ty and effec­tiveness of the fun­ding through coope­ra­ti­on with the local pro­ject manage­ment in Ladakh and with on-site sits.

The orga­ni­sa­ti­on sup­ports finan­ci­al­ly the main­ten­an­ce of cul­tu­ral objects. This work will be car­ri­ed out by the vil­la­ge communities.

The orga­ni­sa­ti­on does not pur­sue any com­mer­ci­al pur­po­ses and is a non-pro­fit orga­ni­sa­ti­on. All inco­me and assets of the orga­ni­sa­ti­on will be used sole­ly to ful­fil the pur­po­ses of the organisation.

The orga­ni­sa­ti­on achie­ves its aims in par­ti­cu­lar through:

  • pro­vi­ding tea­ching staff for the adults, child­ren and adolescents.
  • pro­vi­ding basic faci­li­ties for trai­ning and employ­ment positions.
  • com­mu­ni­ca­ting eco­no­mic thin­king and acting – fel­ted and knit­ted arti­cles are to be manu­fac­tu­red out of local­ly pro­du­ced sheep’s wool and sold to pas­sing trek­kers. From the­se pro­ceeds, the pro­du­cers con­tri­bu­te finan­ci­al­ly to the local aid project.
  • invol­ve­ment of the vil­la­ge popu­la­ti­on – basic requi­re­ments and the use of dona­ti­ons will be dis­cus­sed at com­mu­ni­ty meetings.
  • collec­ting donations.
  • making known the organisation’s con­cept, through print media, home­page and news­let­ter for the members.

The mea­ning of Lungta
Lung­ta means „wind­hor­se“ and it has it’s orig­ins in the Tibe­tan-bud­dhistic cul­tu­ral regi­on. The „wind­hor­se“ is usual­ly prin­ted on flags with pray­ers which are made of fabric. All bud­dhistic Hima­la­y­an regi­ons are fami­li­ar with them. Bright and colour­ful, the­se pray­er flags sway gent­ly in the wind for the bene­fit oder „good“ of all humans all over the world. The­se Tibe­tan pray­er flags are omni­p­re­sent in the regi­on inclu­ding Ladakh. The peop­le of Ladakh call them „Dar-Chok“. Dar mea­ning „to increa­se life, hap­pi­ness, health and pro­spe­ri­ty“ and Chok stands for „all living organisms“.

In con­text, Lung­ta real­ly refers to the cul­tu­ral ele­ments in the Ladakhi regi­on. The pro­ject „Adult edu­ca­ti­on“ aims at main­tai­ning the lively but anci­ent Ladakhi cul­tu­re in our ever-chan­ging high­ly moder­ni­zed life.