Your contribution

Thanks to the readi­ness of a num­ber of fri­ends to make dona­ti­ons, it is now pos­si­ble to help the pro­ject deve­lop. On the basis of this exem­pla­ry sup­port by an increa­sing num­ber of peop­le, I also hope that, in the future, the ambi­tious tar­gets can be reached.

The main cur­rent task is the pro­cu­re­ment of finan­ci­al resour­ces in order to finan­ci­al­ly sup­port the school pro­ject. Fund­rai­sing is being done using an annu­al cir­cu­lar to mem­bers, spon­sors and acquain­tan­ces. Also, sli­de shows are occa­sio­nal­ly organised.

Many thanks for every donation!

Only with your aid is it pos­si­ble to sup­port win­ter schoo­ling in the Sen­ge La area and, in this way, to invest in the edu­ca­ti­on of child­ren and adults.

IBAN CH68 0077 4010 3395 5040 0
Account 70–216-5
In favor of Edu­ca­ti­on for Adults in Ladakh — Himalaya
c/o Tru­di Vetsch
Marier­stras­se 7
CH-7220 Schiers